Besides quality, the most important competitive factors on the market are price and delivery time. With that in mind, we offer fast and reliable delivery, including kanban delivery and consignment warehouses on our site or the client’s. Furthermore, our cargo vans travel to Germany and Austria twice a week and we have contracts with all major delivery companies. Advantages of kanban delivery and consignment warehouses on client’s site are:
  • reduced cost of paperwork and administration

  • reduced cost of production (and therefore the final product)

  • lack of warehousing cost

  • continuous quality control

  • delivery on the preferred date, directly to the assembly if needed

  • reduced cost of transport.


0-24 h
production hours: 0-24 (when necessary)

5 +
partnership with all major delivery companies (TNT, UPS, DHL, FedEx, Schenker, etc.)

100 t+
warehouse of production material with the capacity of more than 100 t

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